Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst - VST 1.71
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Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst - VST 1.71

Free Blue Cat's FreqAnalyst is a free spectrum analyzer plug-in
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1.71 See all
Blue Cat Audio
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Software Informer Editor Rating 4
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With the Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst software you have a plugin that enables you to keep track of and monitor in real time the spectral content of your audio signals.
The program is easy to use, is of high quality, and includes many good useful features. The Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst is designed using interpolation algorithms that are smooth and display continuous variations even if the frequency resolution is very high. This high resolution is applied to both the time and the frequency.

One good feature is that the Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst program includes a threshold system which lets the user easily see important parts of the visual spectrum. The displayed conversion also lets the user manage most of the aspects which means that the monitoring of the transformation is fully controlled. The program also has a zoom function that lets you display and see more precise details of the part you are interested in knowing more about.

The plugin also does not require you to have many windows open since it also contains the opacity management feature. This lets you see through the window and is great for comparing track spectrums. The interface is visually appealing and makes the spectrum clear and easy to read. The Blue Cat’s FreqAnalyst also supports the skinning language which means that the interface can also be customized.

LS Senior editor
Luis Sanchez
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